Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Blended Learning

Blended Learning refers to a mixing of different learning environments. The phrase has many specific meanings based upon the context in which it is used. Blended learning gives learners and teachers a potential environment to learn and teach more effectively A blended learning approach can combine face-to-face instruction with computer-mediated instruction. It also applies science or IT activities with the assistance of educational technologies using computer, cellular or Smartphones, Satellite television channels, videoconferencing and other emerging electronic media. Learners and teachers work together to improve the quality of learning and teaching, the ultimate aim of blended learning being to provide realistic practical opportunities for learners and teachers to make learning independent, useful, sustainable and ever growing

This is a picture talks about Blended Learning

This is video talk about Blended Learning

. And this link is  artical talking about Blended Learning

Atheer Al-shebel

Blended Learning

Blended learning commonly describes learning that combines traditional teaching and learning approaches with information and communication technologies. It is anticipated that blended learning will enhance the student learning experience. A typical example of this would be blending online activities with face-to-face sessions. This can mean using the best of the best - the best use of online learning to enable classroom activities to be active and engaging learning experiences (Graham, 2006).  

The major aims of Blended learning are to:

•use information and communication technologies to support more active approaches to student learning 
•support learning activities that extend outside face-to-face sessions
•assist students in being better prepared for face-to-face sessions.
Blended learning is a focus of the 2008-2010 UQ Teaching and Learning Enhancement Plan. 

link :
Video :


al-hanoof al-otaibi

Blended Learning

Blended Learning                    
Blended learning combines online with face-to-face learning. The goal of blended learning is to provide the most efficient and effective instruction experience by combining delivery modalities.
"The term blended learning is used to describe a solution that combines several different delivery methods, such as collaboration software, Web-based courses, EPSS, and knowledge management practices. Blended learning also is used to describe learning that mixes various event-based activities, including face-to-face classrooms, live e-learning, and self-paced instruction.

                             shaikhah rashed al hwuail

Monday, December 20, 2010

Blended Learning

Blended Learning
A blended learning approach combines face to face classroom methods with computer-mediated activities to form an integrated instructional approach. In the past, digital materials have served in a supplementary role, helping to support face to face instruction.
For example, a blended approach to a traditional, face to face course might mean that the class meets once per week instead of the usual three-session format. Learning activities that otherwise would have taken place during classroom time can be moved online.
As of now, there is no consensus on a single agree-upon definition for blended learning. The Resources page contains cites to several articles that provide definitions. In addition, the terms "blended," "hybrid," and "mixed-mode" are used interchangeably in current research literature. For the purposes of the Blended Learning Initiative at Penn State, the term "blended" is preferred.

shaikhah al-humidan

Blended Learning

  What is blended learning

 blended learning meant a clever use of ICTs that supported, extended and enhanced current ACE delivery. For some this meant a fully online course using a virtual classroom, others used a learner managment system such as TAFE VC whilst the majority supported their delivery with web 2.0 tools such as blogs, wikis, online slideshows, podcasts, etc

A blended learning approach can combine face-to-face instruction with computer-mediated instruction. It also applies science or IT activities with the assistance of educational technologies using computer, cellular or Smartphones, Satellite television channels, videoconferencing and other emerging electronic media. Learners and teachers work together to improve the quality of learning and teaching, the ultimate aim of blended learning being to provide realistic practical opportunities for learners and teachers to make learning independent, useful, sustainable and ever growing


And this link is  artical talking about Blended learning

Somaih AL-Moshiqah

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Safty In Internet And Children

:You can help your children on use the internet safely by

monitoring their internet use
protecting them from online threats
teaching them how to use the internet effectively
.learning about the internet yourself
Remember, learning to use the internet safely is like learning to cross the street. It takes time and careful guidance from trusted people like teachers and parents

Talk with all family members about internet access. Monitoring works best if you can talk calmly and frankly       with your child about internet activities
Keep the computer in a shared family area. If possible, avoid putting it in a study or bedroom. This allows you to keep tabs on how long your child is online as well as the websites your child is visiting
Together with your child, set up some simple and fair rules about internet use. For example, set a reasonable limit on the amount of screen time that your child is allowed. Discuss how these rules apply outside your home – for example, at a friend’s house or the local library. When your child follows the rules, remember to give lots of praise and encouragement
If you have older children, it’s a good idea to have a written internet use agreement with them. A written agreement signed by both of you helps make rules clear
Use the History button in your browser program. It will allow you to see the websites that your child visits
.Find out if your child’s school has an internet policy and how internet safety is maintained there


This link is an article talking about the safety of children using the Internet to

Somaih AL-Moshiqah


safty in internet and children
As most people know the internet can be an amazing resource and provide hours of fun for kids, but there is a side to the internet that can be worrying for any parent.

Chat rooms have been a main cause of concern for years, with adults posing as young children and chatting to unsuspecting kids, and in extreme cases trying to organise secret meetings with the child. Things are changing slowly and a lot of chat rooms are starting to monitor their sites more closely, but unfortunately not everyone is following suit.

Websites with explicit images are another problem that children may be exposed to, a few of these websites have a warning on their homepage alerting the user to the fact that the site contains this sort of material, but unfortunately not all of them.

Another major worry for a parent is spam email containing explicit images, most of this type of spam gets sent from countries where any type of law is not easily enforced and therefore the culprits can go on sending, hopefully one day we will see the end of this type of marketing but unfortunately at the moment it is here to stay.

There are things that can be done to protect your children from this type of exposure on the internet, and below we will cover a few of think.


shaihkh al-humidan  


The Internet can be a wonderful resource for kids. They can use it to research school reports, communicate with teachers and other kids, and play interactive games. Kids who are old enough to punch in a few letters on the keyboard can literally access the world.
But that access can also pose hazards. For example, an 8-year-old might do an online search for "Lego." But with just one missed keystroke, the word "Legs" is entered instead, and the child may be directed to a slew of websites with a focus on legs — some of which may contain pornographic material.
That's why it's important to be aware of what your kids see and hear on the Internet, who they meet, and what they share about themselves online.
Just like any safety issue, it's wise to talk with your kids about your concerns, take advantage of resources to protect them, and keep a close eye on their activities.
Internet Safety Laws
A federal law, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), was created to help protect kids online. It's designed to keep anyone from obtaining a child's personal information without a parent knowing about it and agreeing to it first.
COPPA requires websites to explain their privacy policies on the site and get parental consent before collecting or using a child's personal information, such as a name, address, phone number, or Social Security number. The law also prohibits a site from requiring a child to provide more personal information than necessary to play a game or participate in a contest.
But even with this law, your kids' best online protection is you. By talking to them about potential online dangers and monitoring their computer use, you'll help them surf the Internet safely



Safety on the Internet

Children tend to be way ahead of parents on the Internet. For the most part, they are more comfortable with computer technologies,
schools are going on-line rapidly and the world is shrinking in totally new ways. Safety in this environment is an evolving issue, 
one that has attracted widespread media attention. The reality, however, of this technology is that it holds vastly more information, 
opportunity and richness of experience, than danger. 


Common advice to parents suggests not allowing your kids to spend hours on the Internet. I don't automatically agree.
 If your child sat down with the encyclopedia and kept switching to different books to get deeper and deeper into an area of interest, 
you wouldn't object. 

This is child-driven learning. It is one of the best kinds of learning. It generates excitement and energy and a feeling of power. 
The fact that it occurs on the computer, rather than in a big, heavy set of books with very small print and no moving pictures does not diminish its value. 

So the key issue is not the hours, it is a combination of the quality of the exchange occurring on the computer and balancing that with the other elements of life such as physical activity,
 socialization, family, meeting responsibilities like homework and getting a good nights sleep. 



As most people know the internet can be an amazing resource and provide hours of fun for kids, but there is a side to the internet that can be worrying for any parent.

Chat rooms have been a main cause of concern for years, with adults posing as young children and chatting to unsuspecting kids, and in extreme cases trying to organise secret meetings with the child.
Things are changing slowly and a lot of chat rooms are starting to monitor their sites more closely, but unfortunately not everyone is following suit.

Websites with explicit images are another problem that children may be exposed to, a few of these websites have a warning on their homepage alerting the user to the fact that the site contains this sort of material, but unfortunately not all of them.

Another major worry for a parent is spam email containing explicit images, most of this type of spam gets sent from countries where any type of law is not easily enforced and therefore the culprits can go on sending, hopefully one day we will see the end
 of this type of marketing but unfortunately at  the moment it is here to stay.

There are things that can be done to protect your children from this type of exposure on the internet, and below we will cover a few of these things.

Chat rooms have long been a favourite pastime on the internet for kids. They can be great fun and the children can make some great new friends online. The problem with chat rooms
is that they are generally anonymous, so the person that they are chatting to may not be who they say they are.

Unless you supervise your children whenever they are in a chat room then controlling who they chat too can be a problem, although, there are some general guidelines
that your children can follow to make their online chatting safer:
  • Stay anonymous, they should use a nickname while online, and never reveal their real name.
  • Never tell anyone where they live, not even if they have been chatting to the person for years.
  • Never tell anyone what school they go to.
  • Never give out phone numbers.
  • Never agree to meet someone without a parent present, and ensure the person they are going to meet knows a parent will be accompanying them.
  • Tell an adult if anything strange happens or anything is said to them that makes them feel uncomfortable.
  • Introduce yourself in the chat room to their online friends, especially if your child wants to meet them.
Although these guidelines may seem fairly obvious, by ensuring that your children follow them they can help remove some of the dangers.

This is video talk about safety Internet  and children

And this link is  artical talking about  safety Internet  and children

أثير الشبل 

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Education Technology In Early Childhood Years

Over the past few decades we have seen an immense shift in the use of technology, computers in particular. Computers and computer games are ever evolving and simultaneously changing the world we live in. In our current fast-paced culture, computers have inevitably crossed the threshold of business and entered even the classrooms of the youngest children. Our educational landscape has thus become a digital one and children are exposed to computers at an earlier age than ever before. With this tremendous shift, how can computers and computer games be effectively integrated into the classroom? What can educators do to ensure that computers and computer games exert a positive impact and influence on the acquisition of fundamental skills in early education? Which games are best designed to assist children in their learning? Or, on the flipside, should computers be avoided altogether?

Some researchers have argued against the use of computers and computer games for young children claiming that “computers simply do not match their learning style” since children “learn through their bodies: their eyes, ears, mouths, hands, and legs” (Haugland, 1999). Although, there is truth in this statement, it is important “to realize that using computers with young children is a process of exploration and discovery” (Haugland, 1999). Computers should not be relied upon as the sole means of learning for children; they are not meant to replace experiential and hands-on learning. It is crucial for parents and educators alike to implement a balanced use of computers in the lives of young children. Computers and computer games should therefore be used in combination with traditional learning and exploration of the child’s natural and surrounding environment, and they should equally enhance and support their early learning.

In a 1992 study, Haugland uncovered that “three and four-year-old children who use computers with supporting activities that reinforce the major objectives of the programs have significantly greater developmental gains when compared to children without computer experiences in similar classrooms – gains in intelligence…non-verbal skills, structural knowledge, long-term memory, manual dexterity, verbal skills, problem solving, abstraction, and conceptual skills” (Haugland, 1999).

Despite the opinions of the critics, “there is an increasing consensus that computer games should be taken seriously as both learning and assessment tools” (Puttnam, 2006). Children thrive when they are actively engaged in fun and meaningful activities. This is why play occupies a central role in the early learning environment. “Creative play supports the foundation of later lateral thinking and a creative approach to scientific and cultural concepts” (Long-Breipoh, 2004). Learning through play occurs with exposure to activities in the real and natural world. This in turn promotes intellectual development and early mathematical skills.

Similarly, when children play computer games they are provided with genuine experiences for learning. Computers possess the power to “encourage debate, adaptation, analysis, and celebration. Their increasing presence in homes, classrooms, and public cultural institutions is testament to how they have become enmeshed in the fabric of the nation’s cultural identity” (Heppell, 2006). Most early childhood educators would agree that “children three and four years of age are developmentally ready to explore computers and they see the computer center as a valuable activity center for learning” (Haugland, 1999

This is video talk about how we use smart bord in the education early childhood years 

And this link is  artical talking about useing technology in early childhood years

Somaih AL-Moshiqah

atheer Al-shebel said...

The use of computers and technology in
early childhood education has grown
each year, and the ways in which technology
tools are used to manage and
improve programs and enhance children’s
learning have expanded dramatically.
The trend will continue for the
foreseeable future; but equity issues of
access, affordability, and the need for
computer literacy for early childhood
teachers and faculty will remain as significant
barriers for many early childhood
programs and professionals. As a
field we have an opportunity to harness
these new technology tools to make a real difference for the young children,
parents, and families in our care if we
work together to overcome the barriers,
and share our best practices with one
another. I’m excited about the possibilities
and can’t wait to see what new tech
tools and toys will become available,
and the creative ways we will use them
in our early childhood programs.

Computers and related technology have entered the classrooms of children of all ages in the past
years. The idea of using computers to teach children programming goes back to the 1960s and to the
invention of the Logo programming language. Since then thousands of educators have believed that
computers are a tool for enhancing cognitive development in young children.
During the last three years all Victorian state primary schools in Australia have been equipped
with computers and Internet access for their students, following similar developments in the U.S.A. and
England. Between 1989 and 1992, U.S. schools acquired 1.1 million computers; in 1995 the total reached
around 5.8 million, about one computer for every nine students. In New South Wales, computer
technology is a newly introduced compulsory subject of study for all future primary school teachers, and
primary schools are urged to provide computer access for their students. This development has now
reached the early childhood sector, kindergartens and preschools, as well as the childcare industry.

Early childhood education programs should consist of training in reading abilities, motor skills, language and communication skills. The need of the day is to familiarize a child to technology during his/her early years of childhood. Apart from the basic skills, it has become necessary to acquaint children with modern technology. Teaching children through narratives and moral stories is an effective way to inculcate in them, the principles of life. Teaching them the basic math and alphabet helps them in their school activities. Some children might exhibit certain natural talents, which need to be recognized at the right time and nurtured. Early childhood is the time to understand children and make them understand their own selves. The early childhood education should serve this very purpose.

We no longer need to ask whether the use of technology is “developmentally appropriate”. It is.
• Very young children have shown comfort and confidence in using software.
• They can follow pictorial directions and use situational and visual cues to understand and think about
• Typing on a keyboard is a source of pride not trouble.
• Children with physical and emotional disabilities can also use computers and it may help improve their

: This is video talk about how we use smart bord in the education early childhood years

And this link is artical talking about useing technology in early childhood years

shaikhah al-humidan said...

Reflections and Visions
The use of computers and technology in early childhood education has grown each year, and the ways in which technology tools are used to manage and improve programs and enhance children’s learning have expanded dramatically. The trend will continue for the foreseeable future; but equity issues of access, affordability, and the need for computer literacy for early childhood teachers and faculty will remain as significant barriers for many early childhood programs and professionals. As a field we have an opportunity to harness these new technology tools to make a real difference for the young children, parents, and families in our care if we work together to overcome the barriers, and share our best practices with one another. I’m excited about the possibilities and can’t wait to see what new tech tools and toys will become available, and the creative ways we will use them in our early childhood programs.
To learn more about the successful integration of computers into the early childhood classroom and curriculum, visit the NAEYC Technology and Young Children Interest Forum (




shaikhah al-humidan

الهنوف العتيبي said...

Countless articles have been
written about using technology to
enhance instruction. However,
only a small percentage have focused
on early childhood. Some actually
discourage the use of technology with
this age group, claiming that doing so
will lead to “unwired” brains, lethargy,
hyperactivity, or physical impairment.
As with any learning tool, technology
should be used alongside a variety of
outline how teachers can use technol-
ogy to help their young students engage
in critical thinking activities and prac-
tice basic skills.
Most five-year-olds have grown up
seeing adults using technology as they
scan groceries, e-mail pictures, and
shop online. As with any tool we ex-
pect students to use by elementary age
(i.e., pencils, books), technolog y must
be modeled and introduced prior to
expecting children to be independent
users. Consider that we introduce ba-
bies to books, music, and the sounds
of their native language long before
we expect them to talk or read. Maria
Montessori wrote at length about the
need for “practical life” exercises for
young children. Montessori class-
rooms, especially for ages 3–6, are
filled with apparatus to help students
learn to dress themselves, keep their
environment clean, and prepare their
own snacks. John Dewey wrote simi-
larly about educational “pragmatism
or the need for everyday tasks to be
used as educational experiences.

link :

Vedio :

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شيخة الحويل
Technology in Early Childhood Education

Computers are part of our modern world, and when integrated into the early childhood classroom they can be effective learning tools. The important thing to remember is that technology can be integrated into learning centers appropriately as long as the child is an active learner who can touch, feel, experiment and create within that environment"

We Live in the Age of Technology

Young children are curious about the things around them, and early childhood classrooms provide an environment where children can learn about and explore their world. Technology is a part of everyday life in the modern world. Years ago, the latest “technology” was a chalk board; today, it includes such things as “smart boards” and even computerized “smart tables” where children can interact with child-sized technology.

The Role of Computers

Computers are an important part of our world. They are in our homes, work places, and schools. Although early childhood experts continue to debate whether it is appropriate to have computers in the preschool environment, the fact remains that for most young children, technology is part of their lives. Therefore, shouldn’t early childhood educators be on the front lines of helping young children learn to use technology appropriately?

Maybe the debate should not be about whether computers are appropriate, but about how to use them appropriately in the early childhood classroom. For example, infants and toddlers are busy learning to crawl and move their bodies. Their interest in exploring technology may be limited to pushing some buttons or laughing when they hear a funny noise. Yet, many three- and four-year-olds are developmentally ready to learn basic computer skills and use programs that build literacy, math, and other competencies.

A Strong Teacher and Supportive Setting Are Key to the Successful Integration of Technology

1. The teacher’s role in the classroom is as important as ever when it comes to the computer center.

a. The teacher facilitates learning through relevant computer activities.

b. Although seeking out appropriate software is important, the teacher must also create an extension of that software to the natural learning environment.

c. The teacher can be a guide by using open-ended questions to interact with children as they are problem solving through the computer activity.

2. The classroom setting is critical to the success of the computer center.

a. The child must have free access to the computer area.

b. This provides an opportunity for the child to:

i. make choices,

ii. engage in self-directed play,

iii. and have unlimited time to problem solve independently.

3. The classroom computer also creates positive social interactions.

a. Three- and four-year-olds are developing at different levels socially and cognitively.

b. The computer center allows the child to sit beside a classmate and observe as the classmate uses the computer. This is a beginning stage of social development.

c. Another child may be ready to interact with a friend at that same center.

d. The next level of development is when the children are ready to take turns at the computer.

4. The computer center also helps develop cognitive abilities.

a. By learning to problem solve, a child develops a sense of accomplishment.

b. Software applications that offer immediate feedback also help children learn to apply existing knowledge to novel situations. 
Computer Skills

According to Warren Buckleitner, editor of Children’s Software Review, a child who is getting ready for kindergarten may be able to:

· Use a mouse to move a curser

· Recognize and use the “power keys” on a computer (such as the enter, space bar, delete keys)

· Use some basic computer games or interactive software

· Recognize computer-related words

· Visit (with adult supervision) websites that are child friendly and age appropriate

· Type his or her name on a basic computer keyboard

By combining teacher involvement and an appropriate classroom setting, the computer can be an important tool to help teachers meet individual goals for children and group goals for the classroom.




shaihkh al hwuail